Lighting Up Lives Dedication Page

Here you will find links to all the pages hosting the 2023 Lighting Up Lives dedications.


You can use the search function (ctrl + f) to find out which page your dedication is on, listed by the sponsor name.

If you would like to dedicate a light and add your own message, please visit the lighting up lives page.

  Page One       Page Two     Page Three   

  Page One

  • Dorothy Maidment
  • Janet Manchester
  • Lida Newman
  • Mary Bennett
  • Michael Howard
  • Geoff Coyne
  • Keith Jennings
  • Laura Moore
  • Sue Auton
  • Joanna Bailey
  • Rosemary Carvisiglia
  • Laura Flynn
  • Paul Ballamy
  • Carole Waite
  • Sheila Lambern
  • Joanna Penley
  • Charlotte Hayles
  • Tonya Tyan
  • Lisa Morris
  • Richard Worbey
  • Nick Kimmins
  • Jacqueline Sandy
  • Pamela Briggs
  • Roland Maslin
  • Janet Topp
  • Martin Yardley
  • Sally Fellingham-Huggett
  • Faith Perkins
  • Gavin Fowke
  • Kay Lewis
  • David Hammond
  • Rita Dunsdon
  • Andrew Coleman
  • Phil Ansell
  • Andrea Fitter
  • Sarah Davies
  • Paul Wilson
  • Nichola WIlson
  • Margaret McLellan
  • Susan Gover
  • Jacky Goodwin
  • Paul Braznell
  • Gary Keane
  • Jane McTigue
  • Alison Clough
  • Roger Long
  • Vicky Baker
  • Carol Bannister
  • Tony Charlton
  • Susan Ryan
  • Colin Bullock
  • Marianne Cockwell
  • Jane Atkinson
  • Lauren Pitt
  • Linda Avison
  • Jim Lawless
  • Susan Sheehan
  • Laura Huckerby
  • Christine Bown x 2
  • James Smart
  • Sarah Woods
  • Marilyn Still
  • Liz Sutton
  • Sue Seymour

Page Two

  • Barrie Armstrong
  • Carol Cole
  • Barrie Oram
  • Malcolm Jones x 4
  • Sue Ralph
  • Len Woods
  • Linda Craven
  • Anne Hope
  • Nigel Hoff
  • Diana Finegan
  • Geraldine Impey
  • Darren Self
  • Francesca Ayres x 6
  • Victoria Slack
  • Martin Whiddett
  • Carol Kendall x 2
  • Christine Gormley x 2
  • Nicola Batten
  • Mo Andrews
  • Janet Kelly
  • Denise Green
  • Richard Clarkson x 2
  • Margaret Palmer
  • Alice Kersey
  • Carol Jones
  • Clare Carrington
  • Janet Hurn
  • Jill Roff
  • Roger Gregory
  • Beryl Mitchell
  • Fiona Smith
  • Judy Raybould
  • Corinne Holden
  • Kate Haynes
  • Christine Gormley
  • Christine O'Reilly
  • Jennifer Trust
  • Heather Snow
  • Sara Davies x 2
  • Paul Harden
  • Malcolm Challis
  • Claire Woods
  • Caroline Bowers 
  • Caroline Finch
  • Alun Hughes
  • Maggie Thorpe
  • Lisa Salamon
  • Michael Thompson x 2
  • Mike Thompson
  • Anne Roper
  • Nicky Gaynor
  • Colin Oxland
  • Nicola Millington
  • Brenda Coe
  • Mark James
  • Della Anderson-Eatwell

Page Three

  • Penny Destro x 2
  • Sue Curtis
  • Keith Pettitt
  • Julie Wright
  • Michelle Juniper
  • Nicki Whiddett
  • Doug Whart
  • Adrian Roberts
  • Tim Shakerley
  • Jan Blair
  • Sam Harwood
  • Patricia Little
  • Salliann Coleman
  • Janet Ann Williams
  • Stephanie Robinson
  • Louise Cook
  • Sandra Cooks
  • Lyndsey Bailey
  • Julia Niesto-Utting
  • Nick Kimmins
  • Sheila Leadding
  • Claire Steer
  • Jessie Newman
  • Helen Pitcher
  • Kathleen Pratt
  • Kath Galley
  • Marianne Wright
  • Louise Carey x 2
  • Julie Morris
  • Tricia Kennrick
  • Clare Hodgson x 2
  • Poppy Patel
  • Robert Squibb
  • Emily Reeves
  • Mally Treasure
  • Susan Walker
  • Becky Fenson
  • Kerry Green
  • Sharon Ikin
  • Hannah Bower
  • FD Snart
  • Julie Moss
  • Cathy Harrison
  • Lynn Hetherington
  • Debra Green
  • Peter Attwood
  • Susan Eastwood
  • Patricia Eatwood
  • Debbie Preston
  • Josie Le Blond
  • Roger Healing
  • Janet Bailey
  • Anne Nafi
  • Claire Zerfahs
  • David Way
  • Roz Woodward
  • Deborah Purdue
  • Jacqnth Hawes
  • Nick Ellerington
  • Diana Speight
  • Colin Brown
  • Tracy Gower
  • Lesley Hollingworth
  • Sue Gregory
  • Janet Topp
  • Dawn Brynley
  • Rosemary Borrett
  • Janet Speakman
  • Felicity Townsend
  • Nigel Clarke
  • Hilary Rosa
  • Tina Sud
  • Carole Jenkins 
  • Roz Woodward